Fire-resistant constructions


Thanks to use of profiles and components of leading system producers like Schuco, SAPA and Stalprofil AB we can guarantee high quality, reliability and durability of our products.
Fire- and smoke resistance are main issues in construction of residental, office and industrial buildings. This is a priority for architects, project teams and developers to get an effective security agains fire and smore in new building or reconstruction.

Company ALUKON can offer a proven system solutions of aluminium or steel for glass facades, windows, doors and internal partitions, including hardware and glazing that meet different technical requirements of fire and smoke resistance. Compatibility of system components allows to get invisible elegant and smooth transitions between fire and standart parts of construction.
All our products have proper EU and Swedish certification as well as proven test documentation.

Prevention of smoke and fire spread is becoming one of the main objectives for designers and manufacturers. This objective is practicable when special systems are developed. 

The doors can be single or double, inward or outward opening. A wide range of hardware is available to offer the perfect solution for any commercial, residential or industrial application. 


  • Narrow profile widths, optimum combination of design and function 
  • Complex programme of certification of doors and partitions provided by building institutions.
  • Wide variety of products in fire resistance classes EI 15 – EI 60. 
  • A range of attractive details of hardware (elegant adjustable hinges, different stainless steel handles, hidden door closers etc.) 
  • High thermal and acoustic insulation
  • High performance, long service life, unique durability. Easy to produce and assembly.
  • Various surface finishing (powder coating in unlimited palette of colours, anodized finish, bi-colour and Decoral surfaces etc.)



aluminium frames steel frames aluminium frames
Basic depth of the frame

74 mm 65 / 90 mm 70 mm
Thickness of the glass 8 - 47 mm 17 / 26 mm 10-32 mm/23 mm
Burglar resistance per DIN V ENV 1627 to 1630 WK2 
Sound reduction, Rw  35 dB  up to 42 dB  up to 37 dB
Fire resistance class E15, E30, EI30, EI60 A30, A60, EI30, EI 60 EI30/EI60

Aluminium glazed doors and wall elements of SAPA SFB 2074 are based on insulated profiles with a profile depth of 74 mm. Fire rated elements shall be made using fire rated glass or infill panels approved for the building system. Possible usage of hidden hinges (EI 15 and EI 30). High thermal and acoustic insulation.
Doors are offered with the highest quality of original hardware, as well as with a extensive assortment of ASSA locking functions, ranged by Swedish standard.

  • Maximum height of partition walls is 4 meters, maximum section width without dilatation is 6000mm.
  • Maximum length is unlimited if partition has dilatation in distance less then 6m.
  • Maximum available size of doors:
    Single door : 1400/2500 mm
    Double door: 2500/2500 mm
  • Insulated profiles with basic depth of 74mm
  • Multy function doors: protection agains smoke and fire, high thermal and acoustic insulation
  • Possible usage of hidden hinges, anti finger traps, aesthetics compatible with architecture trends
  • The highest quality of hardware, including range of Assa Abloy locks and fittings
  • Thickness of glazing : from 8mm single glass in EI15 class to 47mm double glass
  • Possibility of combination with infill panels. Tested and offered with AGC Pyrobel glass.

ALUKON offers fire insulated STÅLPROFIL steel systems for glazed doors, sliding doors, partition walls and window sections. The demand for steel and stainless steel profile systems for fire safety constructions  has increased dramatically from year to year. SP systems are types approved by SITAC, Swedish Institute for Technical Approval in Construction, in several fire resistant classes. The door and wall sections comprise the fire compartments in corridors, main hallways and stairwells, that are used as emergency exits during a fire. Stalprofil offers a variety of  possibilties for creation of light and pleasant environments without comprising current fire safety regulations.

  • Maximum height : for doors 2645mm, for partitions 3000mm.
  • Maximum width for doors: for single doors 1450mm, for double doors 2500mm.
  • Tested and offered with AGC Pyrobel fire resistant glass
  • 3-chamber profile system of basic depths of 65 or 90mm,
  • Steel doors provide maximum width of open passage, as well as offered in maximum height
  • Systems are available with different glass thickness. Maximum sound reduction provided.
  • Multy function doors: protection agains smoke and fire burglar-resistant and bulletproof
  • The highest quality of hardware, different module locks functions of ASSA range.
  • Narrow profies available.
  • Finger trap proof gasket available, easier facilitationof handicapadaptation
  • Available in RAL or NCS colour range, as well as in stainless steel

The Schüco security systems are characterised by their groundbreaking innovations. Not only to satisfy existing and future normative requirements, but also to facilitate fabrication for our customers. The new generation of barrel hinges available from spring 2011, the consistent use of sliding blocks in fire and smoke protection in future, or the innovative insertion technology for Schüco AWS / ADS 90 BR for highly burglar-resistant and bulletresistant systems are just a few examples.

Schüco ADS 80 FR 30 and ADS 80 FR 60 have been developed for the EW/EI30 (G/F30) or EI60 (F60) classifications. This system platform has also been tested in accordance with the procedures set out in DIN 4102 und EN 1364/1634. The result is two fully compatible systems which are easy to store and fabricate by the user. The multipurpose groove, push-in fittings and sliding blocks are also used for this system. Multi-purpose features, such as fire and smoke protection, burglar resistance, safety barrier loading and sound reduction, make a wide range of system solutions possible.

Алюминиевая конструкция SCHÜCO FIRESTOP II EI30 для дверей и перегородок

Aluminium fire resistant door of SCHÜCO ADS 80.FR with narrow profile width, otpically light and transparent meets any esthetic and function requirements. Compatible with AWS/ADS systems, with possible connection to elements outside of fire-resistant area.
Another advantage of the system is that with Schuco ADS 80 FR, fittings components can be added to create multi-purpose doors, e.g. by combining smoke protection, burglar resistance, access control, sound reduction and safety barriers.

Огнестойкая алюминиевая конструкция SCHÜCO FIRESTOP II EI60 для дверей и перегородок

Fire-resistant facade with 60-minute fire resistance in classes EW60 and EI60

Based on the tried-and-tested FW 50+/60+ BF with 30-minute fire resistance, Schüco has further developed the fire-resistant façade. The Schüco FW 50+ FR 60 has been developed to provide up to 60 minutes of fire resistance in buildings in accordance with EN 1634-3. The system satisfies the requirements of classes EI60 and EW60. The tests have also been carried out on the outside with the complete standard temperature curve. The fireresistant properties of both sides have been fully proven and the system can also be used for atria without any problems. The profile and connection system is based entirely on the FW 50+ BF. Therefore, no adjustments need to be made to fabrication. The face width remains identical to the standard FW 50+ facade, which means it can be seamlessly integrated into the overall architectural design.

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