Aluminium doors

Your entrance door is key to the overall impression your house makes and the focal point of your façade. The right combination of door frame, infill panel and handle is essential to a well-balanced overall impression. This is why Schüco provides a wide range of products all of which will satisfy your requirements in terms of design, fitting, quality and, of course, functionality. 

There is a wide range of basic shapes available. You can therefore choose between, for example, single and double-leaf versions, with or without side and centre sections or toplight. There is almost no limit to what can be achieved. 
A wide range of colours and a broad spectrum of different door infills offer countless additional possibilities. So you can decide whether infills should be used over the whole area, i.e. across the entire door leaf, or only accentuated. The wide range of different infill units, such as decorative frames, applications, glass or cassettes, offer you the necessary creative freedom and imbue your front door with you own individual style. 
Welcome home! 


  • Optimum combination of design and function.
  • Aluminium doors give each building its own individual character and  aesthetic design.
  • High performance, long service life, repairability.
  • Doors are available in  big sizes,  various purposes, with different ways of opening.
  • Various security features  : burglar resistance, fire resistance and bullet resistance. 
  • A range of designs available from non-insulated to highly thermally insulated.



High insulation aluminium doors Aluminium doors with various designs Basic series with a wide choice of fittings
Basic depth of the frame 75 mm 70 mm 65 mm
Basic depth of the vent frame 75 / 85 mm 70 / 80 mm 65 / 75 mm
Thickness of blank glazing 19 - 55 mm 11 - 52 mm 6 - 45 mm
Thickness of leaf glazing 24 - 67 mm 11 - 62 mm 4 - 55 mm
Thermal insulation per
DIN EN ISO 10077-2
Uf = 1,72 W/m²K Uf = 1,89 W/m²K Uf = 2,31 W/m²K
Burglar-resistance per
DIN V ENV 1627 to 1630
Air permeability per
DIN EN 12207
Class 2 Class 2 Class 2
Weathertightness per
DIN EN 12208
Class 5a Class 5a Class 5a
Resistance to wind-load
per DIN EN12210*
Class C2/B2 Class C2/B2 Class C2/B2
Durability per
DIN EN 12400
Class 5 Class 5 Class 5

дверной блок SCHÜCO ADS 65
SCHÜCO ADS 75.SI (Super Insulation) offers outstanding insulation values and is therefore the ideal solution for buildings with the highest requirements in terms of energy management and architecture. Optional fittings also mean that it can be used as a multi-purpose door and integrated in the building management system. 

дверной блок SCHÜCO ADS 70.HI (High Insulation)
SCHÜCO ADS 70.HI (High Insulation) combines outstanding thermal insulation with the benefits of the Schüco ADS door system. The basic depth of 70 mm ensures a high degree of stability. The clear, timeless design is ideal for combining with the proven Schuco facade and window systems. Barrel hinge, infinitely adjustable in three dimensions.

дверной блок Schüco ADS 75.SI (Super Insulation)
SCHÜCO ADS 65 is suitable for economical entrance solutions in conjunction with very good thermal insulation. Optional fittings also allow it to be used as a multi-purpose door and integrated in the building security and building management  system. 

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