APS Holding – Industrial Association. Main activities:
- manufacturing of windows and doors from PVC, aluminum and wooden-aluminum
- manufacturing of insulated glass units for construction
- manufacturing and installation of facades.

Subsidiaries and associated companies:
GLASKON - Glass Constructions.
ALUKON - windows, doors, facade design of aluminum, wood and PVC.
LAKRON - powder coating.

LAKRON SIA - a modern powder painting technology, which provides a wide choice of colors for painting aluminum profiles, including a range of RAL colors, as well as anodized and simulate various types of wood color.

GLASKON SIA – glass processing, manufacturing of insulated glass units, tempered glass, laminated glass cutting, processing and cutting of fire resistant glass for construction.

ALUKON SIA - design, manufacturing and installation of aluminum structures of any complexity and configuration. The product range include: windows and doors of various systems, facades, winter gardens, as well as internal partitions.

How to find us ?

Head office: 
• Address: 15 Plienciema str.,
Mārupes novads, LV-2167, Latvija
• Tel.: +371-67068870, 67068880
• Fax: +371-67068871, 67068881
• e-mail:



Auto asociācija ir noslēgusi 13.12.2010.g. līgumu Nr. L-APA-10-0023 ar v/a „Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra” par projekta Latvijas Pilnvaroto autotirgotāju asociācijas biedru darbinieku kvalifikācijas paaugstināšana īstenošanu, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Sociālais fonds. SIA „APS Holding” šī projekta ietvaros veiks savu darbinieku apmācību.
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